Specialised Units
An opportunity to expand the RTO’s scope and student base. Specialty units of competency may be offered as a ‘stand-alone’ training program or as a customised package.

CPPSEC3118 Inspect and test cash-in-transit security equipment and rectify faults CPPSEC3119 Implement cash-in-transit security procedures CPPSEC3120 Load and unload cash-in-transit in secured and unsecured environments (Clustered)
These units assess the skills and knowledge required to inspect and test cash-in-transit security equipment and rectify identified faults to ensure continuity of cash-in-transit security services; to implement cash-in-transit security procedures to protect consignments and secure the work area and to load and unload cash-in-transit in secured and unsecured environments.

CPPSEC3122 Plan provision of close protection services
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to plan to provide close protection services for the safety and security of a principal who may be a celebrity, political figure, very important person (VIP) or other person requiring close protection services.

CPPSEC3123 Implement close protection services
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to implement close protection services to protect the safety and security of a principal who may be a celebrity, political figure, very important person (VIP) or other person requiring close protection services.
HLTAID012 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to infants, children and adults.The unit applies to educators and support staff working within an education and care setting who are required to respond to a first aid emergency, including asthmatic and