CPP40719 Certificate IV in Security Management
Intended for supervisors and emerging leaders seeking a formal qualification in risk management. Designed to be synced with the student’s workplace environment.
CPPSEC4001 Manage work health and safety in the security work environment
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to manage work health and safety in the security work environment. It includes facilitating WHS awareness, legislative compliance and consultation, monitoring compliance with risk control procedures, and planning and implementing WHS training for individuals and teams.
CPPSEC4003 Assess and advise on client security needs
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to assess the security needs of clients and provide documented advice on products and services to meet those needs. It includes conducting a security risk assessment of the client’s specific circumstances and operating environment and evaluating client satisfaction to improve service provision.
CPPSEC4004 Supervise security operations
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to supervise security operations. It includes developing operational plans, assessing and controlling anticipated security risks, monitoring operations and implementing required contingencies. It also includes evaluating the results based on debriefing sessions and incident observations to recommend improvements to future operations.
CPPSEC4005 Facilitate security operations briefing and debriefing processes
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to facilitate security operations briefing and debriefing processes. It includes scheduling and conducting briefings to provide operational information and instructions, and debriefings to review operational outcomes including incident observations and lessons learned.
CPPSEC4022 Establish & implement ethics and governance arrangements for security businesses
Assessing the skills and knowledge required to establish and implement ethical and governance arrangements to comply with legislative and regulatory responsibilities associated with managing a security business. It includes establishing, monitoring and communicating policies and procedures that ensure compliance with governance arrangements.